It’s time once again to clean out your closet and donate your gently-used professional clothing to help men and women enter the workforce. For the fourth year Men’s Warehouse is partnering with Clothes That Work to help disadvantaged job seekers get a boost of self-confidence during the fourth annual National Suit Drive, the country’s largest collection of gently used business attire.
The suits will provide men with a fresh start and the ability to go into an interview feeling confident and well equipped to put into practice their new skills. Although the recession has affected a broad spectrum of the American workforce, more than 70 percent of job losses have befallen men, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, due to the economy’s particularly heavy impact on male-dominated industries such as construction and manufacturing.
“With nearly one out of ten working-age men unemployed in this country, the weak economic recovery has disproportionately hurt the male workforce,” said George Zimmer, Men’s Wearhouse founder and CEO. “By collecting and donating professional clothing, Men’s Wearhouse aims to help men ‘suit up’ for job interviews and give them an important boost of confidence that will help them reach their goals.”
Nationally, Men’s Wearhouse hopes to collect more than 100,000 articles of clothing to benefit charities like Clothes That Work. To thank donors for their generosity, Men’s Wearhouse will reward them with 50% off a purchase at Men’s Wearhouse and will donate a tie for every suit received in the month of August. And besides clothing, for every “like” on Facebook, Men’s Wearhouse will donate $1 to the cause, up to $10,000.
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