Jimmie’s Ladder 11 is hosting an Exclusive Food Adventure Event July 13
If you are a Dayton foodie, then listen up…
The Big Ragu & Crew would like to share this EXCLUSIVE Food Adventure news with you.
The Jimmies Ladder 11 Staff has finalized the menu for the one-time-0nly event, slated for SATURDAY, JULY 13th at 7PM in the Ladder 11 Private Party Loft!
5 COURSES, 5 BEER PAIRINGS, 1 HOT TIME ! The fiery event will be called “JIMMIE’s in JULY,”

Abita Beers will be paired with the food courses
ABITA Brewing Company will be partnering with Dayton Most Metro and Jimmie’s Ladder 11 for this one of a kind night featuring live music from the Stillwater River Band.
There will be door prizes and gift certificate giveaways.
WARNING: Seating is limited, so get your tickets, HERE before they sell out !
Tickets are Pre-Pay only, no refunds.
$30 per ticket INCLUDES THE TIP ! What a deal !
Here is what to expect from the menu tasting :
The event promises to TURN UP THE HEAT by featuring some hot tastes. Then, we will hose you down with the cool Abita Beer Pairings!
COURSE 1: New Orleans Style Gumbo paired with Abita Amber Beer
COURSE 2: Cornerstone Salad paired with Abita Strawberry Harvest Beer
COURSE 3: Paisano Pasta Chips with an Abita Seasonal Beer called Satsuma
COURSE 4: Vodka Chicken Riggies (Pasta dish) paired with Abita Turbo Dog Beer
There is even a rumor that The Big Ragu will be passing out sample bites of Jimmie’s Creole Cheesecake which is and incredible, quiche-like, no wait souffle pie with shrimp, andouille sausage, smoked gouda cheese.. heck, it cant be described, it just has to be tasted. Don’t Miss this this Food Adventure.
It is going to be a hot time in the old firehouse on July 13th !!
TICKETS AVAILABLE ONLINE BY CLICKING HERE ! Get them now, so you don’t get burned when they sell out!
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