
The City of Beavercreek is working to become a Tree City USA. The Tree City USA Program is the framework for a healthy, sustainable urban forestry program with substantial benefits. To qualify as a Tree City USA community, the City must meet four standards established by the Arbor Day Foundation and the National Association of State Foresters. The standards that need met are: A Tree Board or Department; Tree Care Ordinance; A Community Forestry Program with an Annual Budget of at Least $2 Per Capita; and An Arbor Day Observance and Proclamation.


On November 27, 2017 Beavercreek City Council, by Ordinance, established a “Tree Commission to regulate the planting, care, and removal of trees.” This is a newly created board to advise Council regarding the planting, care and removal of trees. This board will recommend species and variety of trees to be planted within the City, implement an annual Arbor Day observance, and establish and maintain an inventory of City street trees. Board members are Jeff Buerschen, Jeanne Kunay Steve McLane, Stuart Moats, and Matt Hempstead.


The Tree Advisory Board together with City staff will be responsible for the care of all trees on city owned property and determine who will perform necessary tree work. Involving residents and business owners creates a wide awareness of what trees do for the community and provides broad support for better tree care. “Becoming a tree City USA is a great way to improve community pride. The program helps residents feel good about the place they live and work,” stated Pete E. Landrum, City Manager. Annual recognition shows visitors and prospective residents that trees, conservation, and the environment are important to the community.

To meet another standard, the City will hold an Arbor Day ceremony Friday, April 27, 2018, 6pm at Dominick Lofino Park, 640 Grange Hall Road. The festivities will include planting of a ceremonial tree, activities provided by Greene County Library, and each family will receive a tree to plant in their yard.


Trees make our city a special place to live. They shade homes, businesses and streets. They clean our air and water, reduce storm water run-off, increase our property values, reduce energy costs and make our neighborhoods greener, safer, and healthier. Tree City USA recognition from the Arbor Day Foundation would highlight the City of Beavercreek’s commitment to urban forestry, community improvement and civic pride.


This Guest Post by City Skipper Gal is reposted with permission and originally appeared on, a blog that features life stories about the people that make our community a wonderful place to live. From Dayton to Cincinnati, get the low down on what people are talking about.