Residents of Montgomery and adjoining counties are invited to enter the Dayton Metro Library Poetry Contest, April 1 through April 30. Anyone residing in Montgomery and surrounding counties (Miami, Greene, Warren, Preble) in these age categories: Teen (Grades 7-12) Adult (age 18-59 ) Older Adult (age 60+) is eligible to enter. There are also two junior categories: Grades 3-4 and Grades 5-6. This year, due to COVID-19’s impacts on Library service, entries will only be accepted through email.
Entries must be emailed to no later than midnight on Thursday, April 30, 2020. Contest details and fillable entry form are available at Poems can be any subject but must be limited to one page, and only one poem per person. They will be judged by the editorial board of Mock Turtle Zine, an independent, nonprofit collaborative that promotes Dayton area writers and artists in both a print publication and online.
“The Library has hosted the Poetry Contest for many years, but this year we are asking everyone to enter through email,” said Julie Buchanan, Programming Manager. “We hope our contest can still provide a creative outlet for poets while they are spending more time at home. It’s also a great opportunity to fulfill an at-home school assignment,” said Buchanan.
Winners will receive Amazon gift cards. First Place is $100, Second Place $75, Third Place $50 in the Teen, Adult, and Older Adult Categories. Prizes for both junior categories will be Amazon gift cards of $50 for First Place, $35 for Second Place, and $25 for Third Place. First Place winners in all age categories will be published in an upcoming issue of Mock Turtle Zine.
For contest details, a printable entry form, and online entry, visit call (937) 463-2665.