Creativity, innovations and patents have long been part of Dayton’s rich history. Determined visionaries have earned this region of Ohio such titles as: Tinkertown, The Birthplace of Aviation, and The Cradle of Creativity.
Ryan Levin is one such Daytonian who is rockin’ that Creative Cradle. He’s an exciting entrepreneur that has taken his unique vision, combined it with hard work and determination, and turned his dream into reality.
An expert marksman, avid gun collector, and successful business man, Ryan Levin is the founder of LEVTEC and inventor of Morph Fire. What’s Morph Fire…? In the world of the paintball enthusiast, it’s the most exciting thing to ever happen in this avant-garde sporting arena and so cleverly radical that once paintball users understand what it is… they’ll want to have one… maybe even two.
Morph Fire is a revolutionary converter that turns a paintball gun into a tricked-out, incredibly powerful BB “machine” gun. That’s right… a BB “machine-gun.” It can fire 900 rounds a minute and can propel a .12g BB up to 600+ feet per second (fps). It’s fast. It’s powerful. It’s easy and affordable. It is also serious fun! But…Morph Fire is definitely NOT a toy!
In less than 60 seconds, this conversion kit can take the “Host Paintball Gun” or HPG and morphs it into a totally new dimension. It looks and sounds like a machine-gun. The neat thing is – it converts, or “morphs” back to a paintball gun just as easily.
Paintball can be an expensive hobby and if you already own a paintball gun – Morph Fire creates a renewed interest in your current investment. You’ll get a whole new sporting use for your existing item that is not affected by any ammo shortage. Plus, this ammo is significantly cheaper on your wallet. If you were thinking about getting into paintball, Morph Fire now gives you multiple reasons to take the plunge.
For those folks that love to shoot, this device is a blast! It’s made of strong, long-strand glass-enforced urethane and designed to work with CO2, compressed air or nitrogen. Even though it is light weight, you can easily set your sights on any bottle, can, paper target or rotten tomato within 100 feet and fire away. Morph Fire will destroy them.
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Whether or not you are into the world of paintball or have a love for shooting, there is an appreciation of the American spirit hard at work with Morph Fire. It was invented, designed, patented, and developed right here in Dayton. It’s also being manufactured within 10 miles of LEVTEC’s local corporate office – this means Morph Fire is bringing multiple jobs to our community through its engineering, manufacturing, assembly, packaging and distribution processes. It’s truly a turn-key product that’s totally “Made in the U.S.A.”
New ideas, fresh approaches, and product innovations are just a few of the qualities that contribute to the “winning spirit” of Dayton. Daytonians like Ryan Levin are helping to keep that spirit alive by rockin’ our Creative Cradle once again. You can follow Moreph Fire on Facebook to keep up with the latest news on this Dayton Original.
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