Calling all creative minds! We need your help designing a new Omega Music t-shirt. The winning design will receive $200 cash!
To enter to the contest, just follow these 3 steps:
1) Create a design
2) Pick a shirt color and a print color
3) Submit your design to
Official Contest Rules
- All entries must be original creations of the contestant that incorporates the Omega Music brand (ie. name or logo) into the design, has never been published, and does not contain profanity, trademarks, logos, or copyrighted works of any other person or business.
- The winning design will remain property of Omega Music LLC, and will not be returned to you. Omega Music may use the winning design at any time after the contest. The winning designer may display their own design in a portfolio or personal collection, but may not sell or reproduce the design for any other purpose once submitted to the contest.
- A panel of judges representing Omega Muisc will choose the top submissions. The top submissions may be put out to a public vote soon after the submission deadline.
- The entries must be received online by 11:59 PM on February 6, 2019.
The entry should be accompanied by your name and contact information
The entry may be any of the following file formats: .JPG, .PDF, .PNG
The Omega Music name should be incorporated into the design
The final design must not contain more than two (2) colors.