Auditions for “Big Fish”
The Gabriel House15 West Mill Street, Springboro
Auditions for Sense and Sensibility
Dayton Playhouse1301 E. Siebenthaler Ave, Dayton
Closes: March 17, 2024
Elinor Dashwood: The eldest Dashwood sister; sensible
Margaret Dashwood: The youngest Dashwood sister: 10-13 years old.
Mrs. Dashwood: Mother to the Dashwood sisters
John Dashwood: half brother to the Dashwood sisters (from the father’s side; no blood relation to Mrs. Dashwood)
Edward Ferrars: A gentleman; a bachelor
Fanny (Ferrars) Dashwood: wife to John Dashwood and sister to Edward; Nasty.
Colonel Brandon: an older bachelor; over 45 years old.
John Willoughby: An unusually handsome young man.
Sir John Middleton: A country gentleman; distant relation to Mrs. Dashwood
Mrs. Jennings: A good natured, boisterous woman; mother in law to Sir John and a terror to the countryside.
Lady Middleton: An over-bred lady
Lucy Steele: A young girl from no fortune
Anne Steele: Lucy’s sister; indiscreet
Robert Ferrars: A callow young man; Edward Ferrars’ younger brother.
Gossips 1-5: A chorus of high society creatures
Servants – including THOMAS
AUDITIONS- NO EXIT by Jean-Paul Sartre
Xenia Area Community Theater45 East Second St., Xenia
Open audition notice for Flight of the Lawnchair Man
Dayton Theatre Guild430 Wayne Avenue, Dayton 937-278-5993 — www.daytontheatreguild.or
Based on a concept by Robert Lindsey-Nassif
Production dates: March 22-April 7, 2024
Music Direction by Sarah Lingg
Produced by Christina Tomazinis
2 male and 3 female principals and 6-8 ensemble (at least 3 men) with featured roles – see descriptions below. All characters are adults, with some specific age ranges listed in the role descriptions.
The title is not a metaphor. Jerry Gorman is a regular guy from New Jersey who just wants to fly. The neighbors think he’s nuts. His mother disapproves. Big Jack and Blaire scoff. But Gracie believes in him. When Jerry soars to 16,000 feet with nothing but a lawnchair and helium balloons, this funny tuneful musical reminds us that the air is free and dreams can come true if only you believe in yourself.
Prepare at least 32 measures of one musical theatre standard to sing fearlessly. An accompanist will be provided, or you can bring a track to play via Bluetooth. Acappella auditions are discouraged. In addition, everyone will be asked to read scenes. Sides will be made available online in early January. There may also be a short minimal dance audition.
-) Jerry Gorman
(34; tenor or lyric baritone): Extremely likeable, but the kind of guy whose likeability never seems to get him anywhere in life. A dreamer who until recently never felt he had a right to his dreams. You’d almost call him a loser, if he didn’t have such a great girlfriend.
Jerry’s girlfriend (32-35; soprano/mixed belt): embraces life and all that it offers, including her job as a toll booth operator on I-95, and Jerry, whom she adores despite what others see as his shortcomings, and his sometimes frustrating hesitation to allow their relationship to progress to the “next level.” A nice New Jersey accent is a plus.
(35-37; high baritone): is the kind of guy uniforms were created for. He looks really good in one. He is all man, a man’s man, a manly man, an exemplar of manlitude. He’s also quite tall. He exudes self-confidence and never (until later in the show) lets the cracks show.
(mezzo soprano or soprano/mixed belt): a flight attendant who exudes a bubbly, ditsy enthusiasm that masks a competence and ability that no one has ever imagined, but which will become apparent to us later in the show.
Jerry’s mother (late middle age; lyric soprano/mixed belt): can be a bit of a steamroller and a nag where her son is involved, but she does it out of love – and fear. She’s a suburban working mother trying to maintain an upper middle-class lifestyle with a lower-middle class income. She has been hiding what, to her, is a terrible, terrible secret. A nice New Jersey accent is a plus.
Ensemble members will each play one or more of the following roles in addition to neighbors, Walmart shoppers and employees, commuters, flying mechanics, etc.:
Jerry’s boss. High strung, often angry, he nevertheless has a heart that starts to pump warm blood when he spends time with Jerry’s Mom later in the show.
a Federal Aviation Administration Agent of indeterminate gender. Takes his (or is it her?) job very, very seriously.
(tenor or high bari – one solo song): the great painter, inventor, and all around Renaissance Man of the Italian Renaissance. Speaks and sings with an alarming similarity to Chico Marx.
(baritone – one solo song): the great aviator who made the first solo flight across the Atlantic. Speaks and sings with an alarming similarity to Jimmy Stewart.
(mezzo soprano/mixed belt – one solo song): the great aviatrix who almost became the first woman to circumnavigate the globe by air. Speaks and sings with an alarming similarity to Katherine Hepburn.
(mezzo soprano – one solo song; played by a woman): a classic little French boy from classic French movie.
(an official from NASA): he’s all business, but hates to have to be the bearer of bad news.
a handsome, serious, callow reporter from a major cable news organization. or 937-626-2674
First Weekend: Friday 8pm, Saturday 8pm, Sunday 3pm
Second & Third Weekend: Friday 8pm, Saturday 5pm, Sunday 3pm