Dayton Chef LeeAnne House, with her Housemade Sriracha Sauce !
We’ve got the boss with the hot sauce right here! Want to heat up your Food Adventures at home? Then look no further.
Local chef, our own LeeAnne House has made her mark in the kitchens of upscale area restaurants. Now she is out on her own, with a new company called Housemade. Her first bottled product is a popular one, called Housemade Sriracha Sauce. She started experimenting with new sauces in her apartment kitchen and the batches grew, and so did the demand. Now she has taken her saucy self corporate.
Believe it or not, sriracha is a style of sauce, and not a brand name. We are all familiar with that plastic bottle with the rooster and green spout. This gives that sauce a kick in the pants.
— LeeAnne grew up in the food industry. Her parents at one time owned various restaurants like Lincoln Park Grille, Oregon Express, and others. LeeAnne worked her way up from bussing tables to chief hottie.

Bottles of Housemade Sriracha, Ready to be Labeled
— The sauce took a year and a half to perfect. Originally home cooked and home produced, she is now off to the big time with the same, natural recipe. Food Adventures have been trying her home batch sriracha sauces for months, so we are especially happy to see her recent success.
— This sauce won 1st prize in the 2014 Louisiana Cajun Hot Sauce Festival, for the best specialty chili sauce, and is being blogged about nationally from California to Nashville. Foodies and Food Adventurers agree, it’s fantastic!
— A bottle of this sauce goes a long way, good thing there is a 2 year shelf life.
— FLAVOR: That is the most important thing, right? Not just heat for the sake of heat, but good flavor is what a sauce is all about. Housemade Sriracha is sweeter, hotter and meaner than the sriracha you are used to. There is a good amount of tang and zing to get your tastebuds rolling.
— ALL PEPPERS in this sauce are Thai Chili Peppers, and the sauce has NO STEMS. This is huge, because most mass produced sauces have stems ground into them, thereby changing the flavor of the sauce. Housemade keeps the flavor truer to the pepper itself with the tedious process of stem removal.
— NATURAL INGREDIENTS: We wont give away the recipe, just read the side of the label for the natural ingredients. Did we mention it is vegan and gluten-free ?
— LOCALLY MADE – Whenever possible local ingredients are used, local farmers, and the sauce is assembled from Dayton to Chillicothe. Hello, support local, buy local. Expect different sauces from Housemade in the future !

The Big Ragu knows where to get Housemade Sriracha, and now, you do too !
The Big Ragu loves the sauce on chili, shrimp, wings and anything mexican (nachos, tacos, tortas, burritos and sopes).
LITE BITES: Try the sriracha on egg white omelettes, roasted veggies, homemade vegetable soups, and quinoa.
Housemade Sriracha Sauce has made its way into local restaurants and has been appearing on specials at Lily’s Bistro, and pizzas at Oregon Express to name a couple. We expect more locally owned restaurants to follow this trend. In fact, the demand has been so good, that a second batch has already gone into production.
In more ways than one, it is the hottest product in Dayton. Housemade Sriracha, we love you, you hot thang you ….
Speaking of hotness, check out Food Adventures on Facebook and “like” them HERE
Also, see more of LeeAnne and her hot sauce in the photo gallery below!
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