Established in 1991 by Jan Venkayya, Day of Caring is a grass roots organization based in Beavercreek, made up of volunteers committed to increasing personal awareness and involvement toward confronting the ever-increasing national plight of hunger and homelessness. This years event will take place on Sunday, Feb 24th all over town. All proceeds from these Brunches benefit the local community’s Hunger and Housing Coalitions.
From the first pancake brunch with 12 locations this event has grown to locations in over 7 counties. As in the past, churches, community organizations, and public foundations host, prepare, and serve the annual pancake brunch. “Each year, 500 volunteers get together to serve over 7,000 meals,” Day of Caring 365 Trustee Steve Pax said in a news release. “Those who are homeless or hungry find a generous support from our community during Thanksgiving and Christmas, however The Day of Caring Pancake Brunch takes the last Sunday in February to remind the needy that we don’t forget about them. We show that we care 365 days a year.”
Brunches run on average $6 for adults and $4 for seniors (over 60) and children (under 12). Most brunches include pancakes and sausages, coffee and juice, but each location put their own spin on additional offerings.