James and Lynne Mowery
Lynne Mowery first discovered Cold Brew Coffee in 2018. “From the time we first learned about cold brew to the time we purchased our brick and mortar we visited roughly 350 coffee shops in the midwest. We decided we wanted to bring a consistent, cold artisan crafted cold brew to the public.

644 N. Broad St. in Fairborn
customers to take our packaged brew with them to home, work, camping, meetings, parties etc. Customers wanted us to offer our cold brew by the glass, which was also a goal of ours, and in August 2021 the BARge I (our original draft trailer) began voyages around the Miami Valley. At the beginning of the 2023 Food Truck season the BARge II was launched which allowed us to have a more diverse drink menu.”

4/21 10am – 2pm – Barn Brunch at the Heights
4/25 4- 8pm – Hunger Days Food Truck Rallies
5/25 – 5-9pm Dayton Pizza Fest, Yellow Cab